Monday, December 31, 2007
Mellow time.
Saturday through Monday, Nicky was house sitting in Waikeni (about 20 minutes north of Jim), so I tagged along because the weather has been awesome, there was a hot tub, and it's a beach house. It was an AWESOME house! I basically caught up on my television shows from home, read, and layed out on the beach.
I don't have much to post about because I really haven't had much to do since I don't start work for another 2 weeks. I'm so bored and I'm looking forward to going back to work and my regular schedule.
Happy 2008 everyone!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Moved IN!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas!
Christmas morning I woke up to the sound of POURING RAIN and opened an assortment of Christmas cards and presents that have been stashed under the miniature tree my mom sent, complete with mini-ornaments. My mom sent a mini bottle of perfume, a necklace, bookmark, and bracelet, my grandma sent me a gift card, and my Aunt and Uncle sent the HUGE Mickey! (How I will get that thing home, I will NEVER know!) Thank to everyone that sent gifts, including Grandma and Grandpa Triplett and my Dad (which I opened early...hey, I need something to hold me over!)
Haydn and I then made a huge breakfast of eggs, bacon, bagels, juice and hot chocolate. Then I made brownies and cookies for a BBQ Haydn convinced me to go to. I'll admit. I was apprehensive..."great....a holiday with strangers" but I had an AMAZING time! Cathy and her family showed up and the host, Allen, has two boys (ages 5 and 7). We ate till we were going to burst, played ping pong and Foosball, and then had quite the game of PlayStation going on. I spent a majority of the time chasing and wrestling the boys around the house and yard. Jake, the youngest son, cuddled up in my lap towards the end of the night and said "I like you...even if you do sound funny. Can you stay over tonight?" and I said "Sorry, but I have my own room I have to stay in." He then asked "Well, can you come out and play tomorrow?" Haha! I guess I finally met a Kiwi boy and Allen and his wife are stoked they found a new babysitter.
Anyways, it was a surprise of a day and I'm really glad I enjoyed myself. I was a bit worried. I want to wish a Merry Christmas to my family that I miss so much, especially on days like today. (By the way, we aren't the only family that gets ridiculously felt like the Watts household before we've all stuffed ourselves into a coma!). Merry Christmas to all my friends too. Next year, you know it's ON!
Love you all!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Rockin' and Rollin'
The quake was centered about 30 miles off the eastern coast about 5 hours north of Wellington in a town called Gisbane. It registered at a 6.8
Tonight I went upstairs and noticed my flatmates bedside table was knocked over and some books they had on the edge of the desk were on the floor. How I didn't feel this thing I will never know.....and all I was doing was sitting on the couch watching TV.
Thank you for all the text messages, IMs, and emails. I knew you all loved me. :)
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles...oh yea, and Ferries! (The South Island)
A sculpture from the heart of Christchurch
A really cool church.
SUNDAY: We boarded the next train that would take us from Christchurch to Greymouth. It was pretty uneventful. We arrived to Greymouth with the pouring rain and let me tell you, if you ever decide to go to New Zealand, you can avoid Greymouth. It was pretty boring. We mainly just layed around watching movies and went in the spa.
MONDAY: We were pretty stoked to get away from Greymouth so after a quick breakfast of McDonald's we hit the road in our rental car. The drive would have pretty cool if it hadn't been POURING rain for the entire 3 hours to Franz Josef. We arrived in "Glacier Country" with flying colors. Franz Josef has the Fox Glacier which you can climb (with proper tour guides and equipment). Well, we got to Franz Josef and you couldn't even see the mountain due to the fog and rain. The Clark's glacier hike was cancel due the MAJOR flooding in the area. (I wasn't going to go due the fact that I can barely walk on the sidewalk without making a mockery of myself...image me on ice. Scene from Bambi, anyone?) So out of sheer boredom we headed to the hotel bar for a few drinks. Well, as we were finishing our beverages we look out the window and the clouds had burned off and the rain had stopped. We immediately got in the car and headed for the Glacier. We took a quick 20min hike to the observation deck and WHAT A SIGHT!!! The glacier was right there, between two huge mountains with water falls dotting each side. It was amazing. I wanted to hike that beast right then and there but the tours were still cancelled the next morning.
WEDNESDAY: Well, we arrived in Queenstown which was, by far, my favorite part and place of the trip! This town is on a the 3rd largest lake in New Zealand and really reminds me of Santa Cruz. It is named the "Adrenaline Capital of the World" for its invention of the Budgy Jump, Bridge Swing, and the Jet Boat. Due to the Adrenaline events and activities, the average age of the 7,000 people that populate Queenstown is early 20's. We checked out the gondola (I didn't go up) in the morning, did a little shopping, and then proceeded to do my FAVORITE thing of did the WHOLE trip! We went sailing....but just not any kind of sailing. We booked a 2 hour sailing trip on the America's Cup Yacht! (This boat was retired after its win in 1995) Jealous yet, Uncle Jim? It was SO much fun! We got to rig the sails up and down and I even got to steer for a little while. That boat can haul some speed too! I can't even imagine what it must be like during competition, which 17 crew members working together. (I also had the BEST burger of my life that night for dinner....Fregburger. Check it out if you ever go!)
The Queenstown Gondola. "I think I just dislocated my shoulder...."
"Where can I get me one of these things?"
THURSDAY: We, unfortunately, left Queenstown around 10am to head to the college town of Dunedin. 4 hours later of watching mountains covered in wild flowers (and sleeping for 2 hours) we arrived in Dunedin with about 2 hours to hang out before our flight back to Wellington. This will probably be the furthest south I will ever be in my life. There is a 3 hour drive to the tip of the island and a quick boat ride to Antarctica. We checked out the town center and the historic train station. Occasionally you would catch the awesome scent of chocolate. Come to find out the Cadbury Chocolate Factory is right across the street from the train station. No wonder it's a college town!! We grabbed a quick bite to eat and boarded the plane back to Welly.
The Historic Train Station
It was an amazing trip and I'm so stoked I had a chance to see the island. FINALLY! Thank you so much to the Clark family for inviting me on their family vacation. I will never forget this and the beautiful country we saw. Oh yea, thanks for putting up with my 6 foot frame in the backseat! (And anytime you want me to beat you at Hearts, I'm IN!)
Well, back to normal life. I will basically hanging out for the next week till I have to move. I do have a diving lesson on Saturday and I head back to work on January 14th. I also came hope to numerous Christmas cards and a few boxes, which I will save for Christmas morning. So expect a few emails.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Tomorrow morning I'll be boarding the interisland ferry and spending the next 5 days crusin' the South Island. I'm really excited! I will definitely post pictures.
Also my new address (as of the 27th of December) is:
1 Moxham Ave., Flat #1,
Hataitai, Wellington,
New Zealand, 6021
Sunday, December 9, 2007
I won't be living on the streets of Welly!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
RIP Dorothy!
I'm also looking into a new flat, since the lease is up in January in the house I'm currently living in and all the flatmates are going their separate ways. Basically there is a website just for New Zealand that is kinda like our Ebay. People can put up listings for anything they want to sell or rooms they want to rent. It's really easy and that is how 90% of people find their current places of resident over here. So far, I've found 3 places within walking distance of WRAC, two are actually a 2 minute walk, the other is RIGHT on the beach about a 15 minute walk away (think: my bedroom...then the street...then the beach with ocean. VERY much "me"). I'm set up to check out the "beach house" on Sunday and it looks like a good prospect considering I've already talked about surfing with one of the flatmates. All the flats I'm looking into are cheaper then what I'm paying for currently and will be within walking distance. That car, gas, and public transportation costs!
I also told Ali, my boss, that I will officially go full-time at WRAC for the next term....Monday through Friday 9am-5pm. I usually have Mondays off to do laundry, errands, clean house, and talk to an assortment of family and friends by phone, skype, aim, or carrier pigeon. I want the money. I'm greedy and cheap. Hey, can't blame a girl for being honest!
Tomorrow night is the WRAC Christmas party. I plan on wearing my new dress (by the way it is really cool to be wearing SUMMER clothes during Christmas!!). The company rented out a steak house in the city and we basically get to eat and drink what we want for about 2 hours. Then we will head out to a dance club (I'm hoping for the 80's club, Electric Avenue. I LOVE THAT PLACE!) But it should be a great time and it usually is when you get two or more swim instructors in the same place.
Anyways, that's about it for now. I'll keep ya always!