Sunday, June 17, 2007

Forget the Butterflies! I have a dinosaur with wings in my tummy!

First of all, MEXICO WAS AWESOME! My mom, step-dad, and I had an absolute blast in Rocky Point. I was pleasantly surprised in the stunning beauty of the beach and you could even shop without leaving your towel! Thanks Mom and Dave for such an amazing trip. Love you, both!

With 21 days left of Summer ("AHH!!"), I'm really getting into the home stretch for my trip. The good-byes are starting. I hugged my mommy goodbye at a Phoenix airport, trying not to be boo-boo faced. My planner is filled with last ditch efforts to hang out with friends. Surf outings, BBQ beach parties, movie nights, time with family and country line-dancing are being crammed into a few short days. My friends are starting sentences with "Oh, we need to do this before you leave!" or "Oh, you'll be gone before then."

I'm in a slight nesting period. I feel like if I don't do something right the VERY second I think about it, it will slip my mind to be lost. I've already been to Target three times this week. I have a notebook of reminders and to do lists. I'm driving myself bananas! I just wish the huge-o Tyrannosaurus Rex with wings, that lives in my stomach, would go away.

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