Monday, July 30, 2007
Rainy Days and Mondays always get me down!
It first started with my flatmate, Frazer, waking me up at 8am (my classes cancelled today...SCORE!!). I could hear my phone buzzing in my sleep and had to drag myself from a beach in Maui with Paul Walker to wake up and groggily answer (I don't wake up very nicely in the morning and I'm surprised I didn't scare the poor guy). I was afraid that WRAC needed me or my classes ended up showing, which I've been having nightmares about. Ends up that he forgot to take out the trash last night so he asked me to do it. Not a problem. I gather all the trash in the house and throw on my Uggs. Well, it is POURING rain outside and I just don't have to drop it off at our curb. I have to walk two blocks to a collection area. I should have stayed on the beach with Paul..... I'm sure my neighbors got a good laugh at the California girl running up the street in her Hawaiian print pajamas, looking like a wet cat. (I had the face to prove it)
I then proceeded to spend the rest of the morning/early afternoon in bed with a cup of tea, calling people back home. I'm so glad everyone is enjoying their summer. :-P But I was relieved to talk to alot of my friends (and their voicemail).
I then headed off to Raumati. Jim picked me up to meet my constant need to carpool to save on gas. I'm losing my voice from the constant teaching and coaching, mainly because I have not used my "teaching preschoolers/teenagers" voice in a really long time. I told the kids today "Hey, losing my voice. I need you all to listen, not talk when I talk, and do what your told." They, obviously, decided that today was the day that they didn't understand the English language and proceeded to be pains in my bum. They couldn't do the simplest drills (like 4X100's free on the 2:00min), leave on their intervals, and talk about the hot boy in lane 6 while I was explaining proper flip turns. It also doesn't help that the parents sit about 4 feet away from the pool, watching every movement I make. Jim had to come to my rescue, which I hate but it had to be done. I'm trying to be WONDERCOACH and the coaching perfectionist. I just ended up frustrated and had to go stand outside in the rain so that I could just breath. Jim and I had a nice long talk on the drive home. He gave me a few tips to try on Wednesday and told me "Casey, you wouldn't be here if I didn't think you could handle this. You don't have to be perfect. These are the days that make you want to go home and that's okay. You'll have more of them. But I brought you here because you are good at what you do...but you still have alot to learn." *sigh* I know. Jim is a great mentor and I'm lucky to be able to vent to someone.
I came home, ate some leftover pizza, took a REALLY long shower, watched Criminal Intent, ate some ice cream, and am now heading to bed. I feel better. :)
So, that was a downer day in my life. I'm still in another country and not stuck behind a cubicle, so life is still good (any day and any place where I can wear my Rainbow flip-flops is thumbs up in my book!).
Tomorrow is another day and a new attitude. Cheers!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
*sigh* An evening off....FINALLY!

....ever seen sock monkey flannel pjs drying on a line?
(My neighbors must have had a good chuckle.)
*Please note there are NO undergarments on the line. Those dry in my room.*
Mainly, the week consisted of work, work, ohhhhh and some more work. I am exhausted. I haven't worked this much.....since NEVER! Even my flatmates can't believe how much I'm working. I don't have an days off (basically my time off consists Thursday mornings, Saturday and Sunday after 1pm). However, if I were at home I would probably be stuck in a cubicle, in 2 inch dress shoes, receiving joke e-mails from coworkers I really don't like. So, I'm definitely counting my blessings.

My co-workers are great. We spend whatever moments we can hanging out in the swim office, laughing, giving teaching advice, or getting coffee in the cafe (I have yet to use the spa or saunas that WRAC offers). I have taking a likely to Jo, a 22-year-old fun-loving British girl. We have the same since of humor and it's not rare to see one of us singing to the other or thinking up silly dances around the pool deck trying to get the other to laugh. There is also 20-year-old Alexia from New Zealand. We like to gossip about the boy lifeguards and share food. (I'll put pics up as soon as I can). Ali and Bekki, my bosses, are fantastic. I think it helps that I'm willing to put in extra work, didn't need an training, and am a perfectionist about paperwork.
The highlight of my day is after the 55-minute drive from WRAC to Raumati, is as soon as I get to Raumati I grab a book, my lunch, and a towel and park my bum on the beach in front of the pool and read till it is time to go coach again. It is so relaxing and the beach reminds me of home. The seagulls are KILLERS here! They are not afraid of anything and I have had more then one occasion where they dive bomb for my ham sandwich in my hand. (And yes, here they actually do sound like they are saying "MINE! MINE! MINE!")
Friday night, Jim took me to the Maranui Water Polo Alumni dinner (that was the club team he coached 10 years ago when he was 24 and in NZ for the first time). I didn't know a soul except for flatmates Frazer and Katrin (Frazer played for Jim back in the day). It was alot of fun just hanging out with them and bonding.

Saturday night, Raumati had a swim meet at WRAC (I told ya it was my home away from home!). We did okay. The kids improved on their times but we didn't win alot of the races.
Now it's going on 9:20 and we are all off to bed and I'm looking forward to curling up and sleeping!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
It's you know where your Casey is?

Over the past few months, Jim’s advance swimmers have taken on the adventure of learning water polo. Wednesday night is game night for them in the Lower Hutt region of Wellington. I tagged along, because who are we kidding, Jim was my only ride. We grabbed some dinner (Hell Pizzeria…”When you want pizza, Go to Hell”) and coached the game. It was really entertaining to watch being as these High Schoolers have never even seen water polo three months ago. It was not great polo but at least they were the best swimmers in the pool! Over all it was a lot of fun. The kids found out I was from CA and they bombarded me with questions: “Are you rich?” “What kind of car do you drive?” “What are the boys like?” “Do you have nude beaches?” (I’ll let you figure out which gender asked the last question).

Thursday was just coaching at Raumati. We then had a coaches meeting with the president of the club to go over our contracts and to commit to ten swim meets over the next 12 months. Boring. Boring. Boring. Jim and I headed up stairs to the Waterfront for dinner where I had the most delicious creme of mushroom soup! MMM!

Friday was another day of assessment at WRAC then off to look at a houses with Jim at Pukarua Bay and another in Paraparamu. The first house was on a cliff over looking the Bay and was a great house on a decent size piece of land. It had a great little sun porch but was REALLY windy. It didn’t really fit what Jim was looking for (By the way, I love going with him because I can see what other peoples houses look like and Jim likes taking me because I take pictures to send to his wife and give a woman’s perspective on things). The second house was LITERALLY right on the beach about 5 minutes north of Raumati. It’s a decent sized 3 bedroom/2 bath with a big yard (for his dogs). He instantly fell in love with it and I took a walk on the beach so he could call his wife in private. He made a deal on the house and now it is just a waiting game. I’m really excited for them!

Friday night, my flatmate, Frazer invited us to a goodbye BBQ for him at his job at Freyberg pool (he is 20minutes away, transferring over to WRAC). I thought Californians could BBQ. Was I wrong! It was the middle of winter and that could not stop these kiwis. The guys propped open the emergency exit doors and just BBQed in the doorway! Chicken wings, hot dogs, bratwursts, steak, chicken….they did it all. It was a lot of fun and now I can say I have BBQed indoors (now, don’t freak out. The pool is HUGE. Olympic size so we were in NO danger of killing ourselves).

Saturday, I taught my first round of classes at WRAC. Even though my boss, Ali, said I did great, I felt really rusty!! As instructors we have no timeline or drills we have to follow. We have goals the kids have to hit but it doesn’t matter what we do to reach them. It is really difficult to be trained in a strict matter to have so much freedom. I spent half the classes trying to think of age/level appropriate drills. It was exhausting. Plus, at Australian Swim School the kids had a step to stand on and kids knew they had to stay on the step or disappear in the abyss (basically 3 feet of water). At WRAC, the kids can walk all over the learner’s pool, so I spent most of the day saying “Luke! I’m over here” or “Matthew, come play with us”. It was super frustrating. I try to teach at kid-level with results in my knees are raw. No fun. It is great to be teaching again.
Saturday night, Jim and I had a committee dinner for the Raumati club. I was dreading it because I assumed it was a chance for me, the new coach, to get drilled with questions. But it was so much fun! The All Blacks (rugby) were playing Australia, so all the men were in the living room watching and all the females were chatting in the sitting room. I was in with the men because I wanted to watch my first game (and honestly, I know more about sports then gossip and knitting). After dinner (and the game), about 20 of us sat in the sitting room laughing, poking fun of each other, and telling stories. It was a good time.
I taught this morning (Sunday) and it was another interesting day. I taught in the morning and was told once again, that I have nothing to worry about, that I’m a great instructor and I don’t need any training. Jim picked me up and drove me around Miramar, where they have the sound and film studios, where King Kong was filmed, and a few places where the cast of Lord of the Rings hung out (Sorry Brian, he didn’t stop to get pictures. But I plan on going back). He then pulled up in front of this grubby warehouse building and we walked in and it was all wool products! Jim knew I wanted to get an actual pair of Uggs while I was here and he took me to the Mother Ship of wool! I got some stylish sand, knee high boots for about $90 American dollars. (Sorry Mom, they didn’t have the Hawaiian print ones. Those are only made in Australia.)
What do you call 5 white guys with a ball? New Zealand basketball. HAHA! Jim forgot that he said he would go to the NZ vs. Venezuela men’s basketball game with some friends so I tagged along and boy…..did it suck!!! They were horrible! However, there was an attendance record set that night for the arena….3,819. It made for a great story though. We were basically killing time till I had to get my….CAR!! Yes, I have a set of wheels. It’s a 90’s silver Subaru. I call it “Putt-Putt” because that’s exactly what it does. It has issues going 65mph, so no one has to worry about me doing mach 3 on the motorway. There is no heating and no radio. But 1) it is free and 2) it will get me from WRAC to Raumati. It does make me miss my truck at home. Awww… truck.

(The NBL Game)
I came home exhausted, only to discover Katrin had made an entire Sunday dinner or pot roast, potatoes, carrots, and vegetables. It ended up being Flatmate Night. We watched the season final of CSI and we all headed to bed.
WHEW! That was a lot to catch up. I’m lucky enough to have tomorrow off from WRAC because my first two schools cancelled. SCORE! So I only have Raumati tomorrow. Now if the weather could just get warmer!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Do I really sound FUNNY?
Work has been fantastic. At WRAC, the instructors have been testing the school children to see what level they can go in for next week. You basically walk up to five kids and say "Come with me." Then the conversation goes as follows:
ME: Hi. My name is Casey. I'm going to be testing you today.
KID: *in Kiwi accent* You sound funny. *giggles*
ME: Well, I guess I do. Where do you think I'm from?
ME: That's right. So I guess I sound funny.
KIDS: NO. We like you. You are cool.
(now multiple this conversation by about 10 times today.)
So I guess an American accent= Sounds funny but cool. The other instructors say I have a one-up on them because the kids will focus on me better because "I sound funny." My co-workers are great. They spent the first 10minutes in the office asking me to say words, explain CA slang, ogling at my bright blue pedicure, my tan, and then my tattoo on my ankle. They are all good natured and we spent a good amount of time between testings telling stories, making each other laugh, and being silly. The lifeguards, I guess, have been admiring me from afar and asking about "the new California girl." Haha....It is kinda strange to be known for a PLACE you are from, but I gotta admit, if it helps people remember who I am and what my name is, I'm all for it! (oh, and they are PAYING us to swim. I was planning on swimming a couple times a week anyways and then today at the staff meeting the boss, Ali, told us they will give us $15 an hour to swim. HAHA, DUFFI!)
The coaching at Raumati is pretty much like swim team but for 10-13 year olds. I'm in-charge of about 100 kids throughout the week. (Some come for 30mins MWF or TTH, others come for 90mins MWF or TTH, and even others come 90mins is hard to explain in detail but I do have my hands FULL!) Then on Tuesday nights, Raumati offers a one hour community swim with 6 different levels all coached by volunteers. I am a deck supervisor during this time and basically just go around helping the instructors if they need it. Then Jim opens up the pool to anyone that wants to play water polo till 9. WHEW! It is a LONG day! (I went from 8am-10pm today)
So my schedule is pretty much
WRAC: 9am-3pm M-SUN (Thursday OFF)
Raumati: 5-7 M-F (Tuesdays 5-9)
I also had my first driving lesson with Jim tonight. The forty minute drive from Raumati back to my house in Newlands. IT WAS SO STRANGE!! I kept reaching to the left side to hit the blinkers (they are on the right). Jim thanked me repeatedly for cleaning his windows with the windshield wipers. It was also quite interesting to hug the middle of the road on your right...not left. Oh, and then there is round-abouts. WHEW! Jim kept telling me "Casey, it's 100kph here...not 70mph. That old lady just passed you." But all joking aside I did a good job. I will be driving more before I get my car maybe Sunday.
That's about it. I'm exhausted. So I'm heading to bed, with a big grin on my face.
Pictures to come:
My room
My car (when I get it)
My ugly bright orange uniform!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
You're jealous. Just admit it!
*The Wellington Regional Aquatics Centre (WRAC), a.k.a My Home for the next 10+ weeks*
After the meet Jim and I headed over to the mall in Wellington to grab a prime rib dinner at this place called "The Hogs Breath" and we happened to catch the All Blacks rugby match against the South African Springboks. I finally got to see "the Haka," a traditional Maori dance that the All Blacks do to basically say "We respect you as our opponents. Now we are going to kick your butt". It is a beautiful thing to see and worth a trip over to to check out a few videos.
Next, we headed over to the "Gold Lounge," the theater I mentioned in the previous post. WHY CAN'T WE GET THESE IN THE STATES?!?! We ended up seeing Ocean's Thirteen in the biggest, most comfortable chairs I've ever sat my bum in. My feet couldn't even touch the floor. Before the movie we ordered cocoa and Oreo cheesecake to be delivered to our seats after the previews were over, and sure enough, they were there at the end of the previews (Side note: It was really hard not to nod off because it was so relaxing.)

*At the Gold Lounge (Looks comfy, doesn't it?)*

*HI! (You can see the city behind me)*
*A view from the drive from Eastbourne back to Wellington* (Hey Dad, I got ALOT of boats in this picture. I win!)
After a few errands (WEE! An electric blanket and a corner unit for all my stuff!!), we headed to the OTHER side of Wellington, up a mountain (on a very narrow road, think Road to Hana), to see an Air Turbine. Kiwi's are very proud of this dutch invention. It was too windy and cold to read the information on why they only have one and why they are testing it (I can tell them it works in Palm Springs!). The view was spectacular!! You could see all of Wellington on one side and the Cook Straight on the other.
*The Wellington Air Turbine and the view* (I'm so proud of this shot! It almost matches up perfectly. Welcome to Wellington!) "Hurry up, Casey!! Take your picture!!" "BUT IT'S SO COOL!"
Jim then dropped me back at my house were Haydn and I proceed to make a HUGE pot of soup (enough to get through the week). It was alot of fun, cutting vegetables and bonding. I got to hear his life story (marriage, divorce, cancer, back surgery) and we then watched Dodgeball when Frazer and Katrin came home. It was a typical, relaxing evening at home.
Tomorrow....I start work *gasp*! Just kidding. Jim is going to drive me around for another week so I get use to the road and get my barrings with where I'm going (but I'm actually telling him..."Ummm, Jim....Colchester Road was back there."). I work from 1-3 at WRAC then 5-7 at Raumati. My schedule will get more and more packed as a few weeks go on. Eventually, I'll be working 9am-3pm MTWF at WRAC, 5-8 at Raumati, and 9am-12pm Saturday and Sunday at WRAC.
*13a Kingsbridge Place, Newlands, Wellington, New Zealand* (My House. My room is the long window on the the left side. I get great sun pretty much all day long. Please note: the clothes hanging on the line in the backyard. They don't use dryers here. EEK!)
I apologize for the long blogs but the more I write now, the less questions I have to answer later. :) I'm smart, I know.
Well, that's all for now! Cheers!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Seeing a rainbow really calms the spirit. This was just coming into Wellington and the picture can't show that it was the brightest and biggest rainbow I've ever seen.

It's a beatiful day. Not a cloud in sight. I think I'm gonna be alright!
Last night, Haydn took me to this Mongolian BBQ (All-You-Can Eat! I was stuffed after 3 bowls...mmm!) place in the heart of Wellington city. He extended an invitation with some of his work buddies from the pool I'm training at. It was hysterical. Kiwis are very humorous, love to laugh, and LOVE to tease. They had no problem with me joining, as their attitude is very much the more the merrier. By the way, Kiwis tease you when they like you. THE LIKE ME ALOT! Jim, my boss from EL MO, showed up from the airport (he was coming from the south island) towards the end of dinner. It was so nice to see a familiar face and a familiar voice (one where I don't have to guess what they are saying because the accent is so thick.) Haydn, Jim, and I then proceeded to a local pub called Mortheith's to enjoy my first NZ brew and to watch Women's NetBall on the tellie! (Netball...think WNBA). I then came home and slept through the whole night.
This morning I woke up at around 8am and proceeded to Haydn's pool to get in the water for some on-hands training. It was ALOT of fun. I forgot how much I miss being in the water with the kids. Actually, I sorta ended up training my trainer (they don't nearly have the training the Australian Swim School gave me....They are usually in the pool after a quick CPR class and a couple hours of hands-on instruction). Haydn wants me to give a workshop on better technique and reason why certain drills are used. He also said I'll probably be the best instructor at WRAC (the main pool I'll be teaching at). It was really nice to pass their expectations and to know I'll do okay in the teaching department.
The kids are ADORABLE! They are extremely polite and quiet but once I made them laugh they open up. I had one girl in the first class I assisted in ask me (in her NZ accent) "Are you going to be my teacher during term?" It broke my heart to tell her "No. That I have to help other kids" and she gave me hug a hug goodbye. So CUTE! The kids also have alot more freedom in the pool and the instructors are really relaxed in their teaching methods. Not all the drills have to be perfect. I know I'm going to struggle with this aspect because the Australian Swim School was all about 100% the point that was it was annoying! (Duff- you would LOVE teaching here. Every time I had a class today, I thought of you and how much you would enjoy this.)
So after training, Haydn took me to get my bank account so I can start getting paid (WEE!) for training. All banking is done electronic here. Its really nice, actually. No paper statements. Just one card and website does the trick. After that, we walked around Johnsonville (the town with the pool I'm training in and just south of where I'm living). It is really cute, and because it was a STUNNING day, it was nice and a ton of people were out biking and walking. Haydn then went to the bakery to get some "pies" (I'll explain later) for his instructors because it's their last day of Holiday break.
So, we headed back to the pool and the instructors (all girls, ages 16-20) sat around eating "pies" (Think chicken pot pies BUT BETTER!! They have steak and cheese in them and served warm!) They were asking me questions about the States and freaked out when they found out I lived in "THE OC" *rolls eyes*. I then disappointed them in telling them they didn't even film the show in Orange County, and Laguna Beach (the MTV show) accounts for about .1% of the population of Orange County. (By the way, the LOVED my Tropical Twist Gum...haha. Please send more!!) The girls really like me and asked me to stay at the Johnsonville pool. Maybe, if I don't like the size and impersonal ways of WRAC, I might transfer.)
Haydn is by far been my greatest allie. He has driven me around, answered my questions, given me driving tips, helped me grocery shop, gone with me to the bank, and just made me laugh. He is a great guy from Winchester, England. He understands what it's like to be in a new place, not knowing anyone. He has really helped me adjust to being here. I am blessed to have him around and willing to help.
So, after training, Haydn dropped me off at home where I quickly changed before Jim came to pick me up to look at a house for him and his wife (their house sold in less then 2 weeks. I KNOW! I couldn't believe it either!) and to head up to the pool at Raumati. The house was really nice with not one, but two great views of the a bay and the Pacific Ocean. View in the back and the front. I would have purchased it in a heartbeat just for that alone, but it wasn't what Jim is looking for.
After that, Jim and I made the 30 minute drive up Pacific Coast Highway 1 (yes....just like CA) to Raumati and it had to be one of the most beautiful drives I've ever seen. It made me want a video camera so I could show everyone. It was crystal blue sky and water, rocky coast line, and a couple of islands doting the coast. The sun was so bright that I had to cover my eyes, even with sunglasses. The view was so clear you could see the South Island (which Jim says is really rare). I finally saw sheep!! Coastline on your left. Hilly farmland on your right. Jim kept laughing at me because I was excited "AAH! SHEEP!" "MORE SHEEP!" "WOW! I'm IN NEW ZEALAND!!" Anyways, I get to make this drive everyday so this will definitely be "ME TIME." Relax. Enjoy the view. Listen to some music (Buffett will be PERFECT!).
We arrived at the pool in Raumati and it is right on the coast (it is a 50 yard walk from the pool front door to the beach). Jim took me upstairs where a restaurant called the "Waterfront' sits above the pool. I then proceeded to meet the President of the club team which I will be working for. It was really intimating because I had no idea what my job title was or what I'll be doing. I'm considered a Head Coach for the pool and I even have a few high school kids under me as my Assistant Coaches. I'm still Jim's Assistant Coach but basically I have about 40-60 kids a night from 5-7pm and I administer drills and keep the kids moving. (After the meeting I ran down to the beach and snapped a few pictures of the sunset. Some of the brightest colors I've ever seen. The pictures don't express how amazing it truly was. I will post the pictures as soon as I collect more on my camera.)
After practice, where I met a few of the kids, Jim took myself, Chris (another coach from CA), his cousin (Seko, female and same age as me), and Seko's boyfriend, to an Asian fusion restaurant called "The Monsoon". The food was FANTASTIC!! I had buttered chicken (think curry). We then walked a few blocks to a pub called Molly Moldones for a drink and to tell funny stories and have great conversation. Chris and Seko's Boyfriend then had to leave so Jim, Seko, and I walk to another pub called Kitty O'Shea to check out a really great 90's cover band. It was fun to see what the city looks like on a Friday night. I'm working so much so I know I won't even get near the city anytime soon, so it was really nice to enjoy an evening out and to make some new friends.
(By the way, at the right everyone is feeding me I'm going to be a fatso when I get home. The food is increditable here, and I haven't even had lamb and Kiwi pie yet!)
I'm now sitting here, answering some emails. I get to sleep in tomorrow (GOODIE!) and play around the house in the morning. Jim is picking me up for a swim meet so I can keep him company and then he is taking me to go see Harry Potter (even though I haven't seen the other ones) at this theater called the Golden Lounge. This place is amazing, from what I heard. It has lazy boy chairs and you can order WHATEVER you want, when you want it. You want chocolate cheesecake? Done! You want a glass of wine every hour? Done! It is about 30$ a ticket but it is all you can eat, drink, and enjoy. (WHY DON'T WE HAVE THESE IN THE STATES?!?)
Thank you for reading this LONG blog. I've done alot the past couple of days and its hard to pop on the Internet for 5 or 10mins like I did at home. I actually have to make time to sit down for a few hours. I start work on Monday so it will even be harder but I will have the evenings off (but a whole lot that will do being it will be 1am your time). Anyways, LOVE YOU ALL!!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
I slept through the whole night last night. WEE! No Jetlag! And awoke to Haydn and Katrin in the kitchen at 8am. It was strange having to be bright and sunny, because we all know that I am NOT a morning person. We all had some tea and Haydn and I went on our marry way to a community pool about 5mins from here.
I observed a few of the Learn To Swim (ages 5+) and Preschool groups. The pool, by the way, is quite chilly, the instructors even have to wear spring wetsuits. I'm not looking forward to getting in tomorrow. (This is NOT my permanent pool. Just my training pool because Haydn works there and it is close to the flat).
After 4 hours of observation (BTW Duffi: their uniforms are worse then Australian Swim Schools...BRIGHT NEON Orange rash guards and polo shirts!) Haydn took me to the market to get some basic food (sandwich makings, cereal, milk, juice, apples, yogurt, etc.) and dropped me off at home (can I call it "home"?). So I have the place to myself and it is really quiet. Made a couple of calls (with calling cards....LOVING THEM! Thanks, DAD!), unpacked, and now I'm sitting here with a cup of blackberry tea (my 4th cup of the day).
Tonight, Haydn is taking me to a Mongolian BBQ (all-you-can-eat) to meet a few of the coaches and Jim. Tomorrow, I get in some more training, head up to Raumati for MORE training and meet MORE coaches, get my cell phone (I'm not going to be using mine here at don't leave any text or voice messages), and set-up a bank account. I'm hoping that Saturday and Sunday I can see some of the sites that Wellington has to offer.
By the way, I will try and get pictures up as soon as I get my computer working.
The flight really wasn't that bad. Yes, the food was HORRIBLE (roast beef for dinner, dry sandwich for snack, and burnt pancakes for breakfast), but the initial flight was quick and painless. I slept about 7 hours and my seatmates were really entertaining (We watched a few episodes of season 3 of 24 together on their laptop). Their names were Joe and Josh and they were on their way to Sydney to look for film schools. I also meet a kid named Cade who was on his way to study aboard. It was also his first time out of the country and we were both nervous wrecks. I hope, eventually I can meet up with all 3 guys down the line. We all kept each other company on a 15 hour flight.
I had a 3 hour layover in Sydney and I sat in the terminal and watched the sunrise. It was really amazing. I kept saying to myself "I'M IN SYDNEY!". I had this family from Auckland join me in waiting for our flights. They had four kids and they were a great family. Gave me a fantastic first impression of the Kiwis. They invited me up to their dairy ranch if I ever make it up north.
I flew into Wellington at around 3:00. As we were landing I looked out the window and there was the brightest, biggest, full rainbow I've ever seen in my LIFE! (Which was very calming because the flight was insane. I'm never nervous flying and even had a to white knuckle the armrests as the plane move and shook with the wind) The city actually really looks like San Fran...ex: Big building on water, houses small and close together. Haydn, one of my flatmates, picked my up at the airport and we headed right over to the Wellington Regional Aquatics Centre to meet my boss, Ali Hill, and a few of my co-workers. I had a fantastic welcome to a chorus of "Hey. CASEY!!!" and that made me feel really special. The pool is HUGE! I start training tomorrow....bright at early at 9:00am.
Haydn and I then went to the market, which yes looks like our markets, to pick up groceries for dinner and to get me some shampoo, conditioner, etc. We then proceeded to our place in Newlands, where I met my other flatmates, Frazer and Katrin. The area looks very much like Orange. Its VERY quiet. As I'm typing this the only thing I can hear is the wind. Haydn made chili and bread for dinner and it was the best meal I've had in awhile. Could be because I haven't had a decent meal in 25 hours AND that its freezing cold and chili and tea hit the spot.
My flatmates are really nice. I think Katrin is happy to have another girl around. Frazer is head of the lifeguards at the pool I'll be working at in Wellington, Haydn works as instructor at another community pool, and Katrin is a lifeguard at the same pool Frazer and I will be working at (she is also in nursing school). They are all very mellow and I hope I didn't scare them off with my nervous chit-chatter.
The house is two stories. There is two bedrooms one the first floor (one of which is mine, the other is Haydn's), a office, and a sitting area attached to the kitchen. Upstairs is a loft area to watch TV and Katrin and Frazers room (they have been dating for 2+ years). The place is VERY cold, as 99% of the houses in NZ don't have central heating/AC. My room is small but not horrible. Jim, my other boss/boss from ELMO, got a bed to my roomies about 2 days ago because he felt bad about me sleeping on the floor. I have a closet, a mirror, and it has 3 windows. I need a dresser and hangers, and Katrin said we can go look at a IKEA-esque place called the "Warehouse" (think the Target of NZ) on Saturday.
Currently, I'm waiting for Haydn to come back from a meeting because I left a bag with my flannel sock monkey pjs in it. Tomorrow I take on the adventure of grocery shopping and seeing Jim.
I miss everyone lots. Saying goodbye to my family had to be the hardest thing I've ever had to do. But I know this trip is the best thing for me and myself and my future.
Just so you all know, my computer is having issues connecting to the wireless (something about the IP address.....BRIAN?!?!? jk) so I'll be using Haydn's computer till I can (or someone else) can get it up and running.
PS I hoping that it clears up in the next few days so I can 1) get some sunshine and 2) see some stars and the southern cross.
PSS It is SOOO Green! The water is a blue I've never seen before, even in Hawaii. And the Sky is so clean and clear. It really is amazing. Now...if it could only be 75 degrees, I'd be SET!
Sunday, July 8, 2007
This is it..... *tear*