Well, here it is! 24 hours till my departure. It has been a crazy week full of errands, luncheons, dinners, bonfires, beach days, and going out (oh, and one strange day of fighting off the stomach flu). It feels like just six months ago I was telling everyone "Hey, I'm going to New Zealand" and now the goodbyes are final as well as the hugs.

Packing was quite the adventure. My friend, Kristin, came over to be my "Yes. No. EWW" girl and declared I wear way to many boy's clothes. Four hours later, I did got a majority of my clothes into one suitcase (I am still taking two). Thank the Lord for vacuum seal bags :)
Everything has really fallin' into place with my trip. I do have a station wagon to drive around in and after a big scare about a roof over my head, I now have a place to live in a county just 15 minutes from the city called Newland. It's a little house on a cul-de-sac and I'm rooming with a few other coaches that I'm going to be working with (I'll definitely get pictures up as soon as I can).
So, tomorrow Dad and I are heading off to the beach for one last goodbye to warm weather, then I'm going to grab some In-and-Out and then off to LAX to get all boo-boo faced while saying good-bye to my dad.
I want to thank everyone for the well wishes, the cards, and the prayers. I greatly appreciate it and it definitely calms my nerves. It has been an amazing "summer/post-college retirement" and I'm so glad I have such great family and friends. LOVE YOU ALL!
So, here it goes (some last minute info):
Casey Finnegan
#13a Kingsbridge Pl
Newlands, Wellington
6037 New Zealand
AIM: SunsetWonder1
Skype: cbfinnegan
(Skype is a video web chat that is totally FREE!
You just need a webcam and a mic and we can chat for hours)
Well, that's it. Next time I write I'll be in my room, in my house, in Wellington, in New Zealand, in the Southern Hemisphere.
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