Friday, November 16, 2007

Just a quick update:

Just spending a Saturday night at home. It was a really busy two weeks at work due to a school coming in everyday between 12-1, so that meant no break. (This makes eating lunch really interesting. "I got 3 minutes to eat an entire PB&J sandwich. I need MILK, STAT!") But it's money, right?

Bekki, the other American on staff and one of my bosses, resigned due to travel expenses. (She lives up near Raumati) A bunch of the staff went out for drinks last night to our favorite place, Hope Brothers. I was on call today and actually had to go in and teach Preschool this morning. I really didn't mind because it ended up being alot of my kids from last term ("Miss Casey!") and I get payed 7 hours for 3 hours of work. (2 for being on call and 5 to actually work).

The Latest News is I'm quitting Raumati in December and I'm going to go full time at WRAC. I'm going to try and find a place within walking distance of the pool so that means NO gas expenses and NO car expenses. It will be the first time I've ever had a job that ends before 5pm! I'm bummed that I have to quit at Raumati but I'm spending about $450 on gas each month which is more then one of my paychecks. The kids are great and I'll be sad to see them go.

Anyways, here are a few more pictures from the Napier roadtrip. Have a great weekend!

Just trying to hitchhike on a back country road in the middle of New Zealand.

Really stopping to smell the roses.

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