Monday, October 29, 2007


The number one question I've been asked lately "Is how do Kiwi's celebrate Halloween?" Well, hate to break it to ya, is they really don't. I asked a co-worker why there is no pumpkin carving, trick or treating, and "fun sized" candy! And he just replied with "Americans need an excuse to drink, where Kiwi's just drink". I about fell out of my chair I laughed so hard, but it's really true!

However, on Saturday night, Simon (Seka's boyfriend) had some friends that were throwing a costume party so that afternoon Seka, Simon, Nicky, and I hit up the $2 store for some costume props. I decided against the Secert Spy and decided White Trash was alot more fun. But "White Trash" ended up being "Gangsta Girl". I donned black converse, jeans with the wife beater and black bra underneath, red bandanna tied around my leg, fake tattoos, a bling-bling necklace, a trucker hat to the side, and really heavy makeup with black nail polish. Oh, I also had a pair of handcuffs around on wrist. The party was alot of fun and I met some really cool people, but due to having to work the next day after one beer I called it a early night and was in bed by midnight. The Devil (Simon) went down to Georgia!
You shoot ONE ex-boyfriend in the leg and the Feds (Nicky) are all over ya!
I'm so ready for Mo-vember!
(By the way, November is prostate awareness month and males are suppose to show support by growing mustaches. (hence the name "MO-vember) You start clean shaven on the 1st of November and on the last day of the month you shave your hair into something ridiculous. All the lifeguards at the pool are having a is a huge event here in New Zealand.)
On Sunday, Nicky and I ended up siting on her balcony sunning ourselves and talking all day. Seka came over and we ended up watching girlie movies and eating pizza and having a Girls Day. The weather has been beautiful lately and I'm really excited to be having ACTUAL weather!

At least my feet will be tan!

So that is about it for now. Work is going really well now that I've gotten into the groove. I coach the Haitaitai water polo team on Friday mornings (co-ed 11-13 year olds) and their games are on Monday nights but I can't go because I'm at Raumati, but I got an email from the teacher that hired me to coach (she coaches them during the games) and she says that they have grown leaps and bounds over the last few weeks and are even winning their games on Mondays! Yay! Go me! I actually DO know what I'm doing!

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