Arg! I hate rain! We've had about three southerly storms come through New Zealand from Antarctica over the last week and we still have at least one more coming though. Another 3 days of 45 degrees and rain. I guess this is normal because this is the cold, unstable time of year for Antarctica. I need to do laundry in a BAD way! I'm so glad I packed 3 pairs of jeans. In the meantime, Jimmy Buffett and a space heater is going to have to bring me back to summer time.
Over the past week I basically have mellowed out, enjoying watching the Ellen show on TV and wearing my pj's all day. I do have training in the afternoons and today I'm running a water polo workshop.
Friday night, Jo's birthday party, was nuts! Kiwi's have a leg up on the social scene over here. About 20 people showed up from WRAC and we basically danced and bar hopped into the wee hours of the morning. It was a BLAST! But I'm getting to old to do it every night of every weekend. So here are some pictures from Friday:
Cheers from NEW ZEALAND!!
Even my boss, Ali, likes to hang out with us.
We call ourselves the International Tripod....The Yank, The Pom, and The Kiwi.

Smile! (Aaron and Drew in the back)

Two American Girls trying to make it in the South Pacific (Nicky).

Smiles with American James.
I'm a Star 24 hours a day.
This saying is at every intersection on Courtney and Cuba street. It cracks me up everytime. There is one in the Central Business District that says "Stop. LOOK RIGHT. Live"....tourists are idiots.
So that's about it. We get our Bubble Machine training on Thursday and I was going to borrow Jim's underwater camera for that but I won't have a chance to see him before that, so pictures are just going to have to do. YES!! BUBBLE MACHINE!! WHOOO! Time to go swim now.
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