Thursday, December 6, 2007

RIP Dorothy!

The week has been VERY eventful. I spent a very relaxing weekend at Jim's pad while he was in the states. My friend, Jo, came up to spend the night with me and we layed out and did some shopping (I purchased a really cute black and white hawaiian print dress!) and just vegged in front of the tellie. Well, Tuesday night my car started to make really bad TICK sound and it stalled a few times on the way home. I got it started and took it to the closest mechanic to my house. The car is dead. Major engine damage. Poor Dorothy just couldn't deal with 120 kilometers a day anymore. I ended up having to rent a car, a gold Toyota Corolla, and I love it! The thing has a radio/cd player and it gets great gas mileage! Sure, I'll only have it for 2 weeks and it's a cost me, but at least I can enjoy driving again.
I'm also looking into a new flat, since the lease is up in January in the house I'm currently living in and all the flatmates are going their separate ways. Basically there is a website just for New Zealand that is kinda like our Ebay. People can put up listings for anything they want to sell or rooms they want to rent. It's really easy and that is how 90% of people find their current places of resident over here. So far, I've found 3 places within walking distance of WRAC, two are actually a 2 minute walk, the other is RIGHT on the beach about a 15 minute walk away (think: my bedroom...then the street...then the beach with ocean. VERY much "me"). I'm set up to check out the "beach house" on Sunday and it looks like a good prospect considering I've already talked about surfing with one of the flatmates. All the flats I'm looking into are cheaper then what I'm paying for currently and will be within walking distance. That car, gas, and public transportation costs!
I also told Ali, my boss, that I will officially go full-time at WRAC for the next term....Monday through Friday 9am-5pm. I usually have Mondays off to do laundry, errands, clean house, and talk to an assortment of family and friends by phone, skype, aim, or carrier pigeon. I want the money. I'm greedy and cheap. Hey, can't blame a girl for being honest!
Tomorrow night is the WRAC Christmas party. I plan on wearing my new dress (by the way it is really cool to be wearing SUMMER clothes during Christmas!!). The company rented out a steak house in the city and we basically get to eat and drink what we want for about 2 hours. Then we will head out to a dance club (I'm hoping for the 80's club, Electric Avenue. I LOVE THAT PLACE!) But it should be a great time and it usually is when you get two or more swim instructors in the same place.

Anyways, that's about it for now. I'll keep ya always!

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