Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Easter...

Sorry I haven't posted much over the last week. Hearing the news that we had to put our family dog down was pretty devastating and really put a damper on the week.

Wednesday night, my work had "team training" at our favorite pub, Hope Brothers, to celebrate our mid-term survival and to kick off Easter Break. We had about 15 instructors turn out and it was alot of fun to bond with them and to see everyone with dry hair and out of our orange vests.

Thursday, I went to Te Papa, the National Museum. It was really cool but I had some guy treat me like I was an idiot. Him: "Ohhh you aren't from here. Have you been to a museum before?" Me: "Ever heard of the Getty?" Him: "Why, yes, I have." Me: "Well, it's pretty much been in my backyard."
I really enjoyed the exhibits, especially a special one they have going on all about whales. It was interesting and not to mention free!

Friday, my flatmates and I literally had a movie and pajama day. We watched 6 movies over the course of the day and I stayed in my sock monkey pjs. We ate homemade soup and fresh baked bread (along with an assortment of cookies and soda) over the course of the day. By the end of the night, Cathy and I were the lone survivors and she introduced me to the tradition of hot-cross buns on Good Friday and MMMMMMMMMM.....they were delicious.

Saturday, the gang headed up to Hayden's house up the coast to Paraparaumu, where we indulged in a Easter dinner feast, watched Batman Begins on his Plasma flat screen, and had a slumber party on the floor of his living room. Sunday morning we woke up after a visit from the Easter Bunny and went on an egg hunt. After working up an appetite, Hayden made a "proper" English breakfast of potatoes, mushrooms, bacon, eggs, toast, tomatoes, and beans.

So, I have been trying to stay busy. Currently, I'm conquering 3 weeks worth of laundry and cleaning my room. No work till Tuesday at 3:30.

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