Thursday, September 6, 2007


I've been exhausted. I realized yesterday that I haven't had a FULL day off in over 7 weeks. I am constantly going and the frustrating part is I'm not even going for myself. I have to be somewhere at a specific time ALL the time for other people.

I cracked yesterday. I just broke down into tears from sheer exhaustion. I had to teach in the water for 6 hours on Monday and Tuesday and 5 hours on Wednesday...and that was just at WRAC. My skin felt like it was on fire and I realized when I changed on Wednesday night I had a rash that looked like chemical burn down my back and this morning before I took a shower my skin was literally peeling off.

The second I got in the car to drive from WRAC to Raumati I just burst into tears. (thank goodness for sunglasses). Poor Seka called me about 30 minutes into the drive and talked me down for a few. It's nice to relate to someone that has been here. A funny thing she said was "The Honeymoon period is over. You've realized it's not a vacation anymore and it is reality" and I just replied with "What vacation period? I've been working since the second day I was here."

I felt better after 13 hours of sleep, a really long shower, and laying in my toasty room in my MYSTERY jammies from Grandma Morrison before having to go to Raumati. Oh, and a chocolate bar and tea always helps.

I know I'm not WonderCoach but that doesn't stop me from trying to be 100% to everyone 100% the time. This is why I'm here. This is what I do. Shouldn't I be 100% at it?

3 weeks till holiday break. I can do this. 21 days. Light at the end of the tunnel.


1 comment:

Van said...

I'm sorry you're feeling so bad, Casey. :( I hope things get better. You need one day off a week (after all, God created the sabbath for our benefit), and they need to seriously pay attention to your burnt skin!

"MYSTERY jammies from Grandma Morrison." I knew it! If you get a thoughtful gift in the mail with no ID, check there first. :)