Friday, August 10, 2007

And I thought Santa Ana winds were bad!!

Just wanted to drop a quick note and let you know Windy Wellington is releasing all its fury on the city tonight.
Currently, the winds are clocking in at 140kmp (87 mph) and is only going to get worse (at least 160kmp....100mph). It is seriously crazy. It also isn't the occasional gust of wind. It is a constant GUST. On my way to work this morning, I saw a grown man pushed back about 5 feet and then thrown from his bike in what my flatmates called "a light breeze" today.

The entire house shakes and every time it does I stop and go into "earthquake" mode and my flatmates just laugh at me because I guess this type of wind is NORMAL!

It is really cool, though, to see the big, white, puffy clouds whiz by at abnormally fast speed against the royal blue sky. I sat in my car today in the WRAC parking lot, fascinated by this phenomenon for a good 20 minutes. Really relaxing, too!


Marrisa said...

Hiya! Well the wonderful Google blogspot people have now made it possible for us to browse people who live in Welly. Lucky for me I found your website!

You are now added to my favourites and I will be checking in to see what's going on for you. Being expats ourselves (from the UK) its brilliant to hear your views on stuff here...

Keep up the excellent writing and drop by to check us out if you get time...

Take care!!
From the Dawes Family

Doc Nash said...

Well, i dunno about most, but a hurricane is NOT what i call a light breeze. at least you don't have "Red-flag Santa Ana Watch 2007"....well Jim, it looks like the firemen are gonna have a tough day on their hands!!!

HAHAHAHAHAHA you know you miss our sensationalistic journalism....thats what you majored in, right???

Gina said...

Whoa. That IS seriously crazy!!! But cool. :D