Sunday, August 26, 2007

I feel like I should be an Aleve commerical.

Monday morning and I'm laying in bed with a migraine. Well, actually I slept off the migraine and now I just have a really annoying headache. (Don't worry. I'm only missing an hour of "training" at WRAC. I pick great times to be sick. I will head up to Raumati at 4)

I've been swamped with work all weekend. It is the Wellington Short Course Championships at WRAC. It is about 20 teams from the Wellington area (Raumati is currently placed 4th!) It runs over two weekends, with two sessions on each day. The first session starts at 7:00am and ends at 12pm and the second session starts at 4pm and goes till 9-10pm.

Saturday, on the break, Jim took me to a pizza joint called "One Red Dog" on Courtney Place in Wellington. (Wellington's social scene is on two streets that cross each other, Courtney Place and Cuba Street) Then we walked around the city and into a few shops. We then drove over to Lyall Bay which has really good surf and Jim took a nap while I sat on the beach and watched the surfers. The waves were huge, about 10+. It was relaxing to sit there doing something I would do at home.

Sunday, I spent the morning rubbing my head/eyes and telling the kids to stop screaming in my ear. I went home on the break and fell asleep, still clothed and face first into my pillow, for the whole 3.5 hours I had off. I then went back to WRAC to work the evening session, came home, took some sleeping drugs, and feel asleep at 9pm and woke up around 10:30am. I'm feeling alot better and might attempt to eat something soon. Maybe take another nap since I'm still really groggy.

I did have a date on Thursday evening. Not a big deal. I met the guy at the pub last Saturday night when I went out with some friends. His name is Paul and he actually played polo for Jim about ten years ago. It was a nice date, nothing made of fairy tales and butterflies, but nice. We had good conversation over a game of pool and then had a cup of coffee at a place called Espresso-aholic on Courtney.

That's it for now. Sorry I'm not more exciting.

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